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Lenten Resources

Service Schedule

Ash Wednesday (March 5): services at 12pm & 7pm
Good Deeds Day, Sunday, March 16: After church we will gather in Brook's Hall, where the Church School will teach us how to resource kits for those in need.
Stations of the Cross, Sunday, March 30 (live streamed): for children during the service in church school; the traditional service of Stations of the Cross will follow the 10am.​
Ignatian Spirituality Event, Friday, April 4: Dr. Michelle Domeisen will serve dinner and lead an Ignatian retreat at her home in O'Hara Township on the subject of “The Discernment of Spirits.”

Lenten Preaching Series: Find the full schedule here for the East End Churches' Preaching Series, "Doers of the Word." St Andrew's hosts Tuesday, April 8, dinner at 6pm, service at 7pm (live streamed)
Palm Sunday (April 13): Holy Eucharist at 8am & 10am (live streamed) with reading of the Passion
On Palm Sunday our liturgy reflects the “highs” of welcoming Jesus into Jerusalem, singing with palm branches, and then moves to the “low” of reading the story of Christ’s Passion.
Holy Week & Easter
Maundy Thursday: 7pm, with Table Eucharist and Supper
After the 7pm service, we strip the altar. The Church reflects the desolation of Good Friday. We will gather in Brooks Hall to share supper as Jesus did with his disciples and have Eucharist at the table, then move into the church.
Good Friday: Traditional BCP Liturgy at 12pm & 7pm (live streamed)
On Good Friday, we share communion from the reserved sacrament (blessed on Thursday). We also pray at the foot of a rough cross we place in front of the altar.
Easter Vigil: Saturday, 7pm (Preacher: Jodie Moore; live streamed)
The Easter Vigil is a different kind of Vigil—more like stories around a campfire. We enter a darkened church, after lighting the Pascal candle from the “new fire” of Easter outside the church and then we process in singing, “The light of Christ,” and hear the stories of our salvation from the Hebrew Scriptures.
Easter Sunday: 10am (live streamed)

Table Fellowship!

This season, we invite you to join fellow St. Andreans for a series of casual, no-agenda potluck dinners in the comfort of each other’s homes (no hosting required!).There’s no better way to build deeper connections with one another than over a shared meal. Whether you're looking to meet new people or strengthen existing friendships, these gatherings are all about fellowship and fun.How it works:Send an email to the Parish Office ( or sign-up in the poster in Brooks Hall to express your interest in joining a group. Groups will created and introduced to coordinate meeting for a series of potluck dinners in each other's homes (no hosting required!)Group sizes and schedules will be based on the level of interest.​We hope you’ll be part of this joyful experience of connection and community!

Devotional Resources


Each year Pittsburgh Theological Seminary offers our free Lent devotionals and resource kits as our gift to you! 

Available here.


From our national church: Find new and updated Lent resources for individuals, small groups, and congregations. Check back for updates as more material becomes available, and review each listing for available languages.​ ​Available here


Stations of the Cross, 2024 (40 min)

Available Here


Contact Us

5801 Hampton St. | Pittsburgh, PA 15206

Office: 412-661-1245



Parish Secretary, Office HoursMonday to Thursday, 9:30am to 2:00pm


Sunday Services: 8am in the Chapel, 10am in the Sanctuary

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